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The Importance of Domain-Based Email

The Importance of Domain-Based Email for a Good Business Reputation

In the competitive world of business, a company's reputation is critical to its success. With the ever-increasing reliance on digital communication, one often overlooked aspect of business reputation is the choice of email used. The use of a domain-based email, as opposed to a generic free email service like Gmail or Yahoo, can significantly impact a company's reputation. In this report, we will delve into the importance of domain-based email in maintaining and improving a business's reputation, while exploring its various benefits and the potential risks of not adopting this approach.

Branding & professionalism is important to your growing image

A domain-based email address (e.g., john@yourcompany.com) reinforces the company's brand and enhances its professional image. When businesses use generic email services, it can create an impression that they are not fully committed to their operations or do not have the resources to invest in their online presence. A domain-based email, on the other hand, immediately communicates a sense of professionalism and credibility, as it demonstrates the business's investment in its brand and infrastructure. This can lead to increased trust and confidence in the company among customers, partners, and suppliers.

Why should I pay for an email when Gmail let’s me create a free account?

Let’s answer this by taking a quick look at some spam statistics over the last year. Depending on which cyber security company you look at, 45-55% of all email is spam. Why does that matter? Because spammers primarily use free accounts such as outlook, yahoo, gmail, and the likes, to send their spam. Why? Because blocking their email as spam does virtually nothing to their ability to reach you. They will simply create another free account in a manner of minutes and blast out the exact same email to you later the same day.

This happens so often that most consumers are conditioned to delete any business email that does not have a domain that matches the name of the company.


Today, hackers and con artists have become quite skilled at their attacks. It is estimated that over 3.4 Billion phishing attacks happen every day. While they come in all shapes in sizes…. it is always a good idea to assume that a reputable business would not use a non domain based email to conduct business at a professional level.

Domain based email creates improved customer perception

Beyond what we have discussed in the above section, customers are more likely to engage with a company that uses a domain-based email address because it signals the business is established and serious about its operations. A domain-based email helps to instill trust with your customers. Put yourself in their shoes… Ask yourself how likely you would be to provide personal information or to make a purchase from a business that has a website but uses an email from a company like yahoo, outlook, AOL, or even gmail as their primary email.

In today’s market, businesses are expected to have domain-based email for their employees… and for good reason. Domain based email lends to the credibility of your organization and creates a more approachable business. Not to mention the enhanced customer perception that is part of that relationship.

Beyond security, think of it like a little marketing boost

Something you may not have considered is that domain based email helps with brand recognition. Each email you send out, helps to reinforce your brand awareness and, in turn, creates a positive impact on your overall marketing. Each time you send out a newsletter or email to one of your clients, you are subtly promoting your company name and brand, thereby reinforcing your presence in the market. Each new email creates exposure for your company.

When a client asks how to improve their conversion rates or develop long-term customer loyalty, we tell them to start with a proper email.

Better security & privacy

Businesses that use domain-based email, understand that thier domain is part of the company brand and, as such, they tend to be more cautious and intentional about how they communicate with their customer base. If a domain based email is marked as spam, it will negatively impact the entire company and all of the people within the organization. Because businesses know this, they tend to prioritize security and privacy features as part of their customer communication practices. This may include encryption, two-factor authentication, and other advanced security measures, as a means of protecting sensitive information and/or reducing the risk of data breaches or hacking. Using a domain-based email service with strong security measures demonstrates a companies commitment to protecting their customers' and partners' information, further bolstering their reputation.

In summation

20+ years ago things were a lot different and your website was really more of a business card for the brick and mortar you managed. However, today’s market has us competing with companies all over the world. To compete in this field of thousands of screaming voices, you absolutely must be able to meet a certain baseline of trust and security. A website today is often the first, if not only, interaction your customer has with your business or organization. You don’t want to blow that possible lead by using a less than trustworthy email as a means of communicating with them. If your client relationship is going to grow and expand, you absolutely must meet a baseline of basic security and trust by having a domain based email.

In a previous blog we discuss how quickly customers make the decision on whether or not they are going to engage with your business based on the first impression of your website. If you do manage to capture a potential lead, don’t risk that relationship by using a free email in your formal communications. Unfortunately, their are rarely 2nd chances and your competition won’t likely make the same mistake.