Unveiling the Hidden Impacts of Shared Email Servers on Your Brand

Today I want to talk about the potential repercussions of utilizing shared email servers. I have been chatting a lot about email lately. I even wrote a post about the importance of having domain based email as a business. However, what I left out was a very important piece of information. Purchasing an email shared hosting plan might seem convenient and cost-effective, however, there are crucial aspects that you need to consider regarding their potential impact on your brand. Let’s dive a little deeper into this matter so that I can help you make an informed decisions and safeguard your brand's reputation.

Top 5 things to consider before setting a shared server for email hosting

Email “Deliverability” Challenges

I honestly learned this lesson the hard way and am hoping that you can learn from my mistakes!

Shared email servers are exactly that…Shared. These servers will accommodate multiple users and domains. If one of those users engages in spamming or any other illicit activities, the entire server's reputation may suffer. Imagine living in a condo and suddenly someone in your complex begins selling drugs or stolen merchandise from their condo. It would impact everyone in the complex.

In a sort of similar way - someone spamming people from a server that your email lives on, can negatively impact your email and/or brand. This might lead to email deliverability issues and, suddenly, your legitimate messages find themselves in recipients' spam folders. This could cause harm to both your brand's visibility, and its credibility.

IP Blacklisting Risks

In some cases, shared email servers can share an IP address among multiple users. If any user on the server engages in spamming or violates email sending practices, it can result in the IP address being blacklisted by email service providers. Consequently, your legitimate emails could be blocked or marked as suspicious, tarnishing your brand's image and hindering communication with your audience.

Performance and Speed

Sharing server resources with other users can impact email performance and speed. While not quite as horrible as having your IP blacklisted, Increased server load due to high email volume or inefficient management can lead to delays in sending and receiving messages. The resulting slow response times could frustrate recipients, cause you to miss out on deadlines, and negatively impact customers perception of your brand's professionalism and reliability.

AI rendering of soldiers in future city

Security Vulnerabilities

Sharing a server means sharing security risks. If other users on the server are not diligent in maintaining robust security measures, it can create vulnerabilities that may compromise your brand's sensitive data. Breaches or unauthorized access can result in data leaks, loss of customer trust, and significant damage to your brand's reputation. Don’t let yourself be subject to someone else’s poor security housekeeping.

Limited Customization and Control

Shared email servers often come with limited customization options and control over server settings. This restriction can hinder your ability to implement specific security measures, tailor configurations to your brand's requirements, or optimize email deliverability. Lack of control may leave your brand vulnerable to potential issues beyond your influence or resolution.

While not everyone may find the aforementioned points of interest enough to dissuade them from the lure of cheap email hosting packages…. It is important to know what may be at risk. One must consider these factors in order to properly evaluate the trade-offs between cost-saving benefits and potential risks when opting for shared email servers. Assessing your brand's unique needs and considering alternatives, such as dedicated or cloud-based email servers, can help mitigate the negative impacts on your brand's reputation, ensuring smoother communication and fostering trust with your audience.

As always - We would love to help you with your business and if you would like to learn more about what Urban Analog can do for your company, schedule a complimentary consultation here

David Wall

I'm just a guy that builds websites. SR UX architect. I just like creating stuff.


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